Holyrood Church 715 West 179 Street, Upper West side Manhattan, USA, 212-923-3770

The ghost of discouragement



In the Gospel of Luke 24 (13-35) we are told; That same day two of them were heading to a town called Emmaus. Emmaus's is a very clear example of the mood of the majority on the day of resurrection. They have lost hope and return to their homes, because their faith was insufficient. They are sad and disenchanted. When, on that terrible Friday, Jesus, instead of

climbing David's throne, was raised on the cross, his disciples felt the collapse of much of their hopes.


It is worth remembering the disciples of Emmaus if the ghost of discouragement or despair ever attacks us; Jesus will never leave us alone in one way or another, he will accompany us along the way and talk to us, but it is convenient to ask him to stay with us so that his presence becomes continuous in our lives.


Many times Jesus will use our lives so that other people find comfort and light in their lives in darkness. It is not just about being Apostles, but the same Christ who goes through their lives as he has been through ours to guide the lost person, comfort who is sad and encourage those who are hopeless. This is our responsibility right now in our Holyrood Church.

 Today as I hear the voice of God in the clamor of the people, we continue to resurrect the hope of despair, annihilating spiritual anesthesia. This brothers and sisters is an invitation of love that annihilates the ghost of discouragement. It is forbidden

 to lose heart!




Fr. Luis +

Date news: 
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 14:30

Ministry at the time of Coronavirus (Covid 19): Prevent, cure and accompany

Now we have to shape what some have started calling; The Church at Home. Although I keep asking myself; What do those who do not have a home do? For this reason, at the same time, I am declaring today in our Holyrood Church a Lenten day of prayer, fasting and reading the Bible in the Time of the Coronavirus.

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