Holyrood Church 715 West 179 Street, Upper West side Manhattan, USA, 212-923-3770

We need to become radical disciples



Reading: As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near. Matthew 10:7.


Good morning, happy Thursday, and many blessings my dear family.


In today’s Gospel (Matthew 10:7-15), Jesus continues his instruction to his disciples.  He tells them that they should proclaim this message: “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  Jesus empowers the disciples to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and drive out demons.


Jesus then instructs his disciples to travel lightly.  They are not to take any money, extra clothing, or sandals with them.   Jesus calls them to trust in the generosity of the people they will be serving.  They are to trust and believe that what they need will be provided for them.  I wonder if the disciples were amazed, surprised, or anxious when they heard Jesus’ instructions.  After all, shouldn’t they take something along for their journey, just in case?


If we are disciples of Jesus, today He also empowers us with the ability to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and drive out demons.  Now take a moment and ask yourself:  How can I help someone who is struggling?  What can I do to share joy, hope, and comfort with the individuals I encounter today?


Jesus gifts us abundantly each day and He calls us to share the gifts and graces we receive with the people in our lives and in our world.  Typically the gifts and graces we have to share often seem insignificant to us:  lending a helping hand, visiting with someone who is lonely, or simply smiling at an individual you pass in the grocery store.  Be alert:  today you may be presented with the perfect opportunity to share your abundance.  Be generous with your smile, laughter, love, and attention!  Truly: there are” no greater gifts”!


I learn from this reading that Jesus invites his disciples to live with the risk of being dependent on others. With Jesus, I review how much I value independence and consider what it is like for me to ask for the help I need. The followers of Jesus are sent out as messengers of peace, cautioned against keeping their attention on wounds or hurts. I take time to speak to Jesus about the dust I find difficult to shake off and humbly ask for healing.


Jesus wants discipleship to be free of calculation and of measurement. He invites me to see myself as someone who gives freely of the good they have received. I offer to others what I received from God knowing that it has cost me nothing, remembering that I and others may benefit in the giving. I take this time to allow God to give me what I need so that I may give, not of my own resources, but of what I have freely received.


This is about Radical Discipleship which means, practicing Private (personal) and Public (political) faith, and never one without the other. This means welcoming the stranger and being on the side of the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. It means striving for justice and reconciliation and standing against dispassionate wealth and idolatrous materialism.

 In other words, radical discipleship does not invite us to contemplate this world, rather it invites us to contemplate and change it.




Fr. Luis+

Date news: 
Jueves, Julio 8, 2021 - 09:15

Ministerio en el tiempo del Coronavirus (Covid 19): Prevenir, curar y acompañar

Ahora tenemos que darle forma a lo que algun@s han comenzado a llamar; La Iglesia en Casa. Aunque yo me sigo preguntando; ¿qué hacen quienes no tienen un hogar? Por esto a la misma vez, estoy declarando desde hoy en nuestra Iglesia Santa Cruz una jornada de cuaresma de oración, ayuno y leer la Biblia en el Tiempo del Coronavirus.

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