Holyrood Church 715 West 179 Street, Upper West side Manhattan, USA, 212-923-3770

I wonder, how often do we make judgments on people or situations, convinced that we are correct?

Reading: Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” 46 “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked.“Come and see,” said Philip. John 1:45-46.
Good morning, happy Tuesday, and many blessings my dear family.
Today (John 1:45-51) is the feast of one of the Twelve, Nathanael, or as he was later called, Bartholomew. He is praised by Jesus himself as an Israelite without guile. In fact, he was able to overcome his anti-Nazareth prejudice and accept Philip’s invitation to go and see for himself. I ask him to help me overcome my own prejudices, against others and against God himself, and grow in my inner freedom.
Philip persisted and said to Nathanael: “Come and see.” They left to find Jesus. Jesus saw them approaching and said: “Here is a true child of Israel. He has no guile or duplicity in him!” Nathanael came toward Jesus and asked him: “How do you know me?” Jesus told him that he had seen him under a fig tree. Nathanael was astounded at Jesus’ insight. Then Nathanael made his profession of faith: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel.” Jesus asked him: “Do you believe this simply because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? Truly, you will see much greater things! You will witness the heavens being opened and you will see angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Today if we spend some time with Jesus, we also may hear him say to us: “Here is a true child of Israel!” However, we may or may not have a heart as pure as Nathanael did. Yet we are children of God. And we are called by Jesus just as Nathanael was called. What will our response be? Will we trust Jesus and decide to follow him? Or will we waffle with fear or anxiety? All of us have been created as a “child of God.” How do we respond to Jesus’ knowing of us? Will we decide to go on our merry way? Or will we make the same decision Nathanael made and follow Jesus? Each and every day we need to make this decision. It is easy to veer off the path if we are not vigilant. There are many temptations and commitments in our lives that may invite us to stray from the path of following Jesus. Be mindful today and every day. Jesus is calling us!
I wonder, how often do we make judgements on people or situations, convinced that we are correct? How often can we be blinded to a message from God by a “type of messenger” we didn’t expect? God grant us an open heart and mind so we can truly see you in all people.
I also ask for the grace to be able to be an apostle myself, ready to transmit the Gospel to others, just as I have received it from others myself. A message that is alive and brings joy, transmitting it with my words but even more with my deeds, first of all to those who are near, but perhaps also to those who are afar, relying not on my abilities but on the power of God.
Fr. Luis+

Date news: 
Martes, Agosto 24, 2021 - 20:15

Ministerio en el tiempo del Coronavirus (Covid 19): Prevenir, curar y acompañar

Ahora tenemos que darle forma a lo que algun@s han comenzado a llamar; La Iglesia en Casa. Aunque yo me sigo preguntando; ¿qué hacen quienes no tienen un hogar? Por esto a la misma vez, estoy declarando desde hoy en nuestra Iglesia Santa Cruz una jornada de cuaresma de oración, ayuno y leer la Biblia en el Tiempo del Coronavirus.

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