Holyrood Church 715 West 179 Street, Upper West side Manhattan, USA, 212-923-3770

Are we betraying Jesus?

*Are we betraying Jesus?  *

Good morning, happy Holy Wednesday and blessings. Remember that today our church celebrates its 127th anniversary.

This morning's reflection is in the Gospel of Saint Matthew 26: 14-25 where the story of Judas's betrayal is narrated. Do you really think that Judas betray Jesus for 30 coins? I do not think so. Sounds like an excuse. For money? I do not think so. When we break with something that has given us life, that has given us a project of liberation and an illusion and a horizon, it must be for something much deeper. Why then did Judas betray Jesus? Because Jesus could not or would not be who Judas wanted him to be. Judas wandered with Jesus for a good three years and concluded that a poor, itinerant teacher who refused to take political power was of no significant value to him. Judas used Jesus for the three years and used him again at the end. When Judas realized what the high priests had planned for Jesus, Judas regretted his selfishness. But he still couldn't accept Jesus as Lord. Judas was not the only person in Jesus' life who used it. The people who stood on the road to Jerusalem (Matthew 21: 1-11) thought that he was a political king and a military conqueror who would drive Rome out of Israel and re-establish the autonomous Jewish nation. When they learned that he had no political power, they hastened to demand his death (Matthew 27:20). Countless people today do the same. They hear about Jesus' healing power, or his ability to grant wishes or comfort. Many even respect his teaching. And they learn about his character, his affirmations, and his crucifixion. But these people do not accept him as Lord. We are as guilty as Judas when we use Jesus for our own selfish gain. And the worst is not that. The worst thing is not being able to stop when sadness or inner discomfort warns us that we have made a mistake. Can you imagine that Judas had changed that "will it be me, Master?" for a “forgive me.
To judge Judas as we do every year is very easy. My invitation is that today you begin to evaluate yourself and try to see how you are betraying Jesus. For example: I betray Jesus when I am filled with prayers, but I do not really look for him or try to carry him in my heart. I betray Jesus when I only go to him with interest to ask him to solve my problems, but I forget him when everything goes well for me. I betray Jesus when I promise to be faithful, but I forget those promises when things have been resolved. I betray Jesus when I fill my life with time, activities, relationships, but I don't have a day or a minute for Him. I betray Jesus when I am not able to see him in the troubled face of my brother or sister who requires my attention and I turn the back so that I am not forced to attend them. I betray Jesus when my life, my words, my thoughts, my actions say the opposite of what I really preach on his behalf. I betray Jesus when I project my pettiness in the name of Jesus. I betray Jesus when I call myself Christian, but I do not allow it to enter my heart and transform my interior. I betray Jesus when I am not able to show the face of the mercy that he has had with me and be merciful with others. Today I am wondering: How many times have I betrayed you, Jesus? Blessings…
Fr. Luis +

Date news: 
Miércoles, Abril 8, 2020 - 23:00

Ministerio en el tiempo del Coronavirus (Covid 19): Prevenir, curar y acompañar

Ahora tenemos que darle forma a lo que algun@s han comenzado a llamar; La Iglesia en Casa. Aunque yo me sigo preguntando; ¿qué hacen quienes no tienen un hogar? Por esto a la misma vez, estoy declarando desde hoy en nuestra Iglesia Santa Cruz una jornada de cuaresma de oración, ayuno y leer la Biblia en el Tiempo del Coronavirus.

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